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Our alternate reality series, BLACK COTTON, returns in less than 30 days and for the first time, we will be releasing early copies via Kickstarter in collected trades. Volume Two, titled, BLACK COTTON: WHITE ON WHITE CRIME, will collect Issues 1 and 2 of the new story arc in one trade/book. That’s over 50 pages of content! And the BCU team is excited to deliver this new story, which is also a continuation of the first story and volume, directly to backers and readers first. While this is a departure from how we originally released BLACK COTTON Volume One, which was to the direct market through our publisher Scout Comics, BLACK COTTON: WHITE ON WHITE CRIME will also be available in stores later in the year, possibly early 2024, through Scout Comics. But for those who do not want to wait that long and want early access with some special add-ons and Kickstarter exclusives, grabbing this two-issue trade will be the thing to do. Here’s what we can tell you about the story:

BLACK COTTON: WHITE ON WHITE CRIME takes place a year after the events in Volume One and finds Zion Cotton now a detective and working the murder case of a young white kid. While most of the department is chalking the killing up to just more “white on white crime,” Zion is determined to get justice for the slain teen and his family. Meanwhile, while her business mogul parents are out of the country dealing with the threat of rival family, the Keshinomis, Qia Cotton has her sights set on the low income neighborhood that the young white kid was from with plans of gentrification. However, the murder potentially hinders her plans and subsequently, Zion and Qia find themselves on opposite sides.

Needless to say, we are very excited about this new chapter of BLACK COTTON and cannot wait for returning readers and new readers alike to join in on the drama and saga of this alternate reality series where the social order of white and black is reversed.


Who Sits Behind the Desk…?